
Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal

Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal provides an interface for administrators and employees to restore data to the original domain. Access Active Backup ...

Backup your G Suite using Synology Active Backup

2021年2月11日 — You will want to also enable the Active Backup for G Suite Portal so that you can perform backups or even create users for self service recovery ...

How to Enable Users to Log into Synology G Suite ...

2019年6月6日 — Active Backup for G Suite allows businesses to control and protect corporate data stored on G Suite. Mail, contacts, calendar, and Drive ...

How to Use Synology Active Backup for G Suite [Step-by

2023年10月13日 — Want to use Synology Active Backup for Google Workspace to backup files to NAS? This post is a full guide to this backup tool.


2022年10月7日 — Hi, I'm using Active BackUp for Google Workspace on DS918+. There are 3 tasks for 3 Google Workspaces running smoothly.

【國際備份日】G Suite 免費版7 月告終用NAS 備份Google ...

2022年3月31日 — 大家可以到NAS 的套件中心安裝「 Active Backup for Google Workspace 」,安裝後會發現有兩個程式:「 Active Backup for Google Workspace 」負責排程 ...


ActiveBackupforGoogleWorkspacePortalprovidesaninterfaceforadministratorsandemployeestorestoredatatotheoriginaldomain.AccessActiveBackup ...,2021年2月11日—YouwillwanttoalsoenabletheActiveBackupforGSuitePortalsothatyoucanperformbackupsorevencreateusersforselfservicerecovery ...,2019年6月6日—ActiveBackupforGSuiteallowsbusinessestocontrolandprotectcorporatedatastoredonGSuite.Mail,contacts,calendar...